esd issue

Vladimir B. Grebenschikov vova at
Thu Oct 2 05:12:29 PDT 2003

В чт, 02.10.2003, в 00:56, Joe Marcus Clarke пишет:

> I've never seen this.  esd normally doesn't any ports by default. 
> Instead, it uses local sockets.

I have expected another issue with esd, it sometimes play, sometimes
not play (for example I've get about 1/3 of ICQ sounds)

mplayer-esound sometimes plays sound, somtimes not, killing esd before
mplayer is allways helps. Any ideas how to track this ?


% cat /dev/sndstat 
FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm)
Installed devices:
pcm0: <NeoMagic 256AV> at memory 0xfe000000, 0xfea00000 irq 9 (1p/1r/0v
channels duplex default)

May be it is problem of pcm driver, may be problem of esd.

> Joe

Vladimir B. Grebenschikov <vova at>
SWsoft Inc.

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