Metacity with Expocity

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at
Tue Nov 25 16:22:32 PST 2003

On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 10:18:30 -0600 (GMT-06:00), Sean Welch 
<welchsm at> wrote:

> I just saw this article:
> an took a look at the patch here:
> Figuring to give it a try, I got it to compile and install but the 
> keystroke that is supposed to
> activate it (Alt-Tab) doesn't do anything now.  Perhaps someone else 
> might have a better
> idea what to do with it and how to track the problem down???  It did 
> compile cleanly...

Because, it never has been patch clean if you read the messages of patch. 
Looks like the diff was created against the CVS or development version of 
Metacity. Or maybe older version of Metacity, I dunno.

That got me curious, I don't understand what's advantage of it. So, I 
cleaned the patch and make it easier for other users. You should be able 
to use this attach and put it in the x11-wm/metacity/files/ and do the 
'make -DFORCE_PKG_REGISTER install', then restart Metacity. I just played 
with it and it works, but I don't really like it thought. Maybe, I will 
like it if they make it more smaller and can stay in the background when I 
am doing with vim, browser or whatever. :-)

BTW: Be sure to your Metacity version is 2.6.3 if you want to use an 
attach of patch-expocity.


-- 's moderator, mezz.
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