PR for deskutils/gnomeblog

Florent Thoumie flz at
Sat Nov 15 10:52:36 PST 2003

On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 12:31:47PM -0600,
Jeremy Messenger <mezz7 at> wrote:

> Not really correct patch, all you have to do is remove the 
> 'USE_X_PREFIX=yes' if you want the prefix to be /usr/local. It really 
> should be install in share/gnome/gnomeblog with 'USE_X_PREFIX=yes', if you 
> look at a lot of other gnome apps. However, since you only change it to 
> ${LOCALBASE} and all other files have went to the wrong place such as 
> icons, *.schemas, *.server, *.xml and etc. Yep, more work to make the 
> change than just prefix it to /usr/local. :-)
> Cheers,
> Mezz

	I was going to mail you about this. I just finished reading
	FreeBSD porter handbook :)

	You're right, I only saw python stuff. I'm not very familiar
	with ports yet but I asked myself if just using 2 variables like
	%%LOCALBASE%% and %%X_PREFIX%% (and subst with PLIST_SUB) would
	be enough. What do you think of that ?

	PS: Maybe shouldn't I cc to gnome each time ?
	PPS: Sorry for my english ;)

Florent Thoumie                        Epita SRS Promo 2005
web  :   System Administrator
mail : flz at                    work : (33 1) xxxxxxxx
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