no panel

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Fri May 23 08:16:45 PDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-05-23 at 09:43, Randy Bush wrote:
> >> gnome is VERY slow to start and i get no panel.  so i tried
> >>   portupgrade -fR x11/XFree86-4-clients
> >>   portupgrade -fr Xft
> >> which took a little while <grin>.  still no panel.  but it
> >> does seem to be trying
> >> randy    44277  0.0  1.8 13828 9464  ??  Is    4:52AM   0:00.25 gnome-panel --sm-config-prefix /gnome-panel-McgeCy/ --sm-client-id 
> > i lied.  after about an hour, yes literally an hour, the panel comes up.
> and it takes six minutes for a nautilus StartHere window to open.

Have you tried logging out of X, and removing ~/.gnome2/session?  You
may have to zero some other files as well.  You can verify it's your
account by creating a dummy account (e.g. gnome), and seeing if
everything works under it.


> randy
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