HEADS UP TESTERS: Lates nautilus-cd-burner may work

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at cox.net
Wed May 21 16:05:42 PDT 2003

On 21 May 2003 18:42:33 -0400, Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus at marcuscom.com> 

> Before you build my latest round, do a make patch, then cd to
> work/nautilus-cd-burner-0.4.2, and edit cd-recorder.c.  Look for the
> line that says:
> Change this to:
> #define DEBUG_CDRECORD 1
> And rebuild.  That should help with the next stage of debugging. Thanks.

Now, the write cd is disable again, but create ISO is enable.. There's no 
error msg or so..

BTW: It's in the root.


> Joe

bsdforums.org 's moderator, mezz.

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