Call for screenshots

Franz Klammer klammer at
Sun May 18 09:58:38 PDT 2003

Am So, 2003-05-18 um 18.53 schrieb Franz Klammer:
> Am Sa, 2003-05-17 um 06.13 schrieb Joe Marcus Clarke:
> > I don't think I've done this yet, but typing the subject brought back a
> > feeling of déjà vu.
> > 
> > It's time for GNOME 2.3 screenshots.  If you can come up with a creative
> > shot showing off some of the new GNOME 2.3 features, send them in, and
> > we'll add them to the FreeBSD GNOME project page.  Thanks.
> > 

sorry, here's the right link:

> something like this?:
> dual screen, 2048x768, 594641 Bytes
> theme: Noja
> gtk2-theme: BlueSmooth (smooth engine)
> franz.
> > Joe
mailto:klammer at

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