Installing fonts

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Wed May 14 14:09:02 PDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-05-14 at 17:02, Dinesh Nadarajah wrote:
> Hi: I tread the world of Linux mostly. Installed a couple of FreeBSD distributions at work. I was wondering how to install fonts for GTK/.Gnome use. In newer Linux distros users can put all their TTF fonts in ~/.fonts and the system will automatically make them available. Would this be the case in FreeBSD too!. I did not find any documentation on this. Sorry if this is a repeat question. Thanks in Advance. -D

Please wrap you emails at 72 lines.  They are much easier to read that
way.  All fonts you place in ~/.fonts will work in FreeBSD just as they
do in Linux.  Have a look at and for more info.


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