FAM and portmapper

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at marcuscom.com
Tue May 13 08:49:01 PDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-05-13 at 10:27, Wade Majors wrote:
> The devel/fam/pkg-message and/or the GNOME-2.2 FAQ should be updated to 
> indicate that a portmapper needs to be running for FAM to work. It is 
> not by default.

I agree.  Can you let the fam maintainer know about this?


> In 4.x:
> Edit /etc/rc.conf:
> portmap_enable="YES"
> And reboot or run /usr/sbin/portmap
> In 5.x
> Edit /etc/rc.conf
> rpcbind_enable="YES"
> And reboot or run /usr/sbin/rpcbind
> -Wade
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