can't send mail from evo 1.3.3

Franz Klammer klammer at
Mon May 12 09:18:02 PDT 2003

Joe Marcus Clarke sagte:
> On Mon, 2003-05-12 at 10:49, Franz Klammer wrote:
>> hello!
>> i'm the only one that can't send any mail from evolution 1.3.3?
> I've been using it since 1.3.2, and I've never had a problem sending
> mail.  Check your mail settings.
>> i always get follwoing error:
>> "Error while performing operation:
>>  MAIL FROM response error: Unknown"
> Do you have a sniffer trace showing the SMTP transaction?

i turned on debug output from postfix. looks like a bug.
evolution-1.3.3 doesn't send a hostname with EHLO and my postfix-servers
are always configured with smtpd_helo_required = yes.


> Joe

mailto:klammer at

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