gdm- not launching

Timur I. Bakeyev timur at
Sun May 11 06:02:31 PDT 2003

On Sun, May 11, 2003 at 02:14:55AM -0400, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-05-11 at 00:44, Glenn Johnson wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Well, version works just fine.  I have that version
> > > > installed now.  It seems like most of the differences, other than
> > > > the language support, are in the Makefiles and configure scripts.
> > > > Something must be getting built incorrectly for version
> > >
> > > The attached patch to gets gdm- working for me.
> > 
> Glenn, I owe you a bottle of something.  This patch not only fixes gdm,
> but nautilus and [maybe] bonobo as well.  This crept in, and is only
> applicable to -STABLE.  -CURRENT _should_ have libc_r linked in.

Thanks Glenn for the fix! I spend half of Sunday incrementally applying
patches to to make it and reached the stage, where only
changes in libtool and configure were not applied and the beast was still
working :(). So you saved my other half of the day from investigation :)

As a side help - can someone explain me, what is this mess with -lc_r and
-pthread is all about? What should be used with wich version of FreeBSD?

Thanks a lot,

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