HEADS UP TESTERS: Recent GNOME 2.3 problems

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at marcuscom.com
Sat May 10 12:46:24 PDT 2003

This ain't good news.  The recent updates to libbonobo and Nautilus
(possibly gnomevfs2 actually) causes applications to lockup and/or crash
on -CURRENT.  -STABLE seems to be unaffected, and working quite well. 
For that reason, I recommend sticking with nautilus2-2.2.4, and
gnomevfs2-2.2.4 as well as libbonobo-2.2.1 and bonobo-activation-
for the time being.  If you want to help me track down the problem, by
all means, upgrade to the "bad" versions, and start troubleshooting.  I
spent last night hammering away at the bonobo problems, and ended up



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