Troubles with installation of gtk1.2 dependent ports

Ariel.Burbaickij at Ariel.Burbaickij at
Sat May 10 12:28:03 PDT 2003


trying to install any ports dependent on gtk12,
e.g. xmms, faces in any combination conceivable
(install gtk 1.2.10_9 by itself, letting ports
to install gtk as necessary) leads to error:

Error: shared library "gtk12.2" does not exist

ldconfig -r in the part, related to gtk12 returns

 79:-lgtk-1.2.0 => /usr/lib/
 195:-lgtk1.2.9 => /usr/X11R6/lib/

My questions:
1) How can the situation be resolved?
2) Where is the particular version, i.e. 12.2 
   is hard-coded in or where does the port
   system get this particular number?

Yours sincerely
Ariel Burbaickij

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