Gnome 2.3.1 frozen, can't load desktop anymore..

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Fri May 9 06:38:12 PDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-05-09 at 09:34, Wade Majors wrote:
> Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> >>I think I have traced the hanging problems to libbonobo-2.3.1. Doing a 
> >>`portupgrade -f bonobo-activation` fixed the problems for me. There 
> >>appears to be some conflict between the new bonobo-activation in 
> >>libbonobo 2.3 and the old(?) bonobo-activation port.
> > 
> > 
> > Yes.  As of libbonobo-2-3.1, there is no more bonobo-activation port. 
> > You should remove it.  bonobo-activation is included within libbonobo.
> Okay. I did a `pkg_deinstall bonobo-activation` and `portupgrade -f 
> libbonobo`, and Gnome hangs on startup again. Is there something else we 
> need to clean up?

That should do it.  Maybe remove ~/.gnome2/session (which fixed a
bonobo-activation hang in the past).  However, my GNOME works after
similar steps (not removing session).  Where does it hang?


> -Wade
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