Gnome 2.3.1 frozen, can't load desktop anymore..

Mezz reigncracks at
Thu May 8 23:20:03 PDT 2003

>Wade Majors wrote:
>>I think I have traced the hanging problems to libbonobo-2.3.1. Doing a 
>>`portupgrade -f bonobo-activation` fixed the problems for me. There 
>>appears to be some conflict between the new bonobo-activation in libbonobo 
>>2.3 and the old(?) bonobo-activation port.
>Ok, I lied. I hadn't updated nautilus to 2.3.1 yet. So I am getting the 
>same nautilus crash Mezz is (don't have as much compiled with -g, but what 
>I do have in the backtrace is the same).
>The bonobo-activation reinstall did fix the panel, etc hanging though.

Oh, thanks.. I forgot about gnome-panel.. I tried it recently; it does 
indeed fixed the problem with gnome-panel when I rebuilt the 
bonobo-activation and gnome-panel. Good job on find this!

BTW: Openbox with gnome-panel look weird.. ;-)



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