Ports suggestions: gedit-devel and gedit-plugins

Adam blueeskimo at gmx.net
Wed May 7 17:09:31 PDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-05-07 at 19:53, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> Most likely this crash will only occur with the default current malloc
> options (i.e. AJ).  If you have a malloc.conf that disables these, you
> won't see the crash.

My FreeBSD 5.0 machine doesn't actually have a malloc.conf link. Perhaps
this is the problem? I'm not tracking -CURRENT. I just downloaded the
5.0 ISO and installed from that. Haven't even updated the sources. I've
been waiting for the official 5.1 ISO to be released. Should I go ahead
and create a malloc.conf symlink?

However, my FreeBSD 4.8 machine *does* have a malloc.conf:
-$ ls -al /etc/malloc.conf 
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  2 Apr  4 17:33 /etc/malloc.conf -> aj

Perhaps all this is a clue into the cause of the problem?

Adam <blueeskimo at gmx.net>
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