Ports suggestions: gedit-devel and gedit-plugins

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at marcuscom.com
Wed May 7 12:39:57 PDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-05-07 at 15:30, Mezz bsdforums.org wrote:
> Check... -> http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/newsflash.html#2003April13:0
> It's kind of we already have it in the ports tree, if you are using Joe's 
> cvs ports tree. Right now, the gedit in Joe's cvs ports tree is 2.3.0, you 
> are feel free to help update to 2.3.1 if Joe or Adam W. (not you) aren't 
> work on it. You are welcome to help us to do the test, update, write doc or 
> whatever, because we need the more people.. :-)

Yes, we do!  And following in the GNOME 2.1 development processes, the
2.3 ports will not be added to the official FreeBSD tree.  Once 2.4 is
released, then those ports will be merged.  Note, gedit-plugins is being
debated for inclusion in the main desktop.


> Cheers,
> Mezz
> ><snip http://gedit.sourceforge.net/>
> >what is gedit?
> >gedit is a lightweight text editor for the GNOME desktop found in many
> >distributions of Linux, BSD and other Unix systems. Designed for the X
> >Window System, it uses the GTK+ and GNOME libraries. gedit is released
> >under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
> ></snip>
> >
> >The new gedit 2.3.x branch is very exciting, and certainly worthy of
> >introducing a gedit-devel port to the FreeBSD ports tree.
> >
> >The announcement of 2.3.1 has just been made, and can be found here:
> >http://www.gnome.org/project/shownotes.php?group_id=2&release_id=1869
> >
> >Note that as of 2.3.x, GtkSourceView is also required:
> >http://www.gnome.org/project/shownotes.php?group_id=693&release_id=1868
> >
> >The gedit-plugins package was announced on the gnome-announce-list
> >earlier today. Here is a snippet from the announcement:
> >
> ><snip>
> >From: Paolo Maggi <paolo.maggi at polito.it>
> >To: GNOME Announce <gnome-announce-list at gnome.org>
> >Subject: ANNOUNCE: gedit-plugins 2.3.1
> >Date: 07 May 2003 14:15:33 +0200
> >
> >Application
> >===========
> >gedit-plugins 2.3.1 (for GNOME 2.3.x)
> >
> >Description
> >===========
> >A set of plugins for the gedit text editor.
> ></snip>
> >
> >
> >If anyone has any technical questions regarding gedit 2.3.x or
> >gedit-plugins, please direct them to Paulo Maggi. He can be reached via
> >email at paolo.maggi at polito.it, or by IRC in #gedit on irc.gimp.org. He
> >is aware of my efforts of porting 2.3.x and the plugins package to
> >FreeBSD.
> >
> >
> >Thanks,
> >--
> >Adam <blueeskimo at gmx.net>
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