fontconfig patch

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Mon Mar 31 17:40:57 PST 2003

On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 20:29, Mezz wrote:
> >Can someone bounce the fontconfig patch I sent out earlier back to me?
> >I forgot to upload it from my laptop before I left work, and I'm too
> >lazy to get it out of the car.  Thanks.
> Yes, here it is.. :-)
> Hey, I have been wondering why do other people have this problem? Just 
> asking, because I 'never' have this problem, but with upgrade of X to 4.3.0 
> by rebuilt fontconfig. I even install everything by stratch (empty 
> /usr/local/ and /usr/X11R6/) few times in the past and this problem never 
> hit on me. It seems, it's little strange to me.

Believe me, it's strange to me, too.  I know what bugs were fixed in the
version in this patch, and I can see why they'd help, but I don't know
why I never saw this problem.


> Cheers,
> Mezz
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