gPortupgrade, a new project with GTK2/Gnome2

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Fri Mar 28 04:27:13 PST 2003

On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 03:30, Fredrick Nilsson wrote:
> interesting, i have some ideas of making this even more seemless integrated
> in the gnome enviroment. My idea was to create a  view in nautilus, and when
> entering: ports:/// in the location field, ports would be visible. when
> browsing to, for instance, ports:///irc/ all available "application
> directories", would be visible as packages. when right-clicking on one of
> those, the user would have different options in the context menu. say for
> instance, install and so on.
> unfortunately i have very little spare time, so i haven't started yet. this
> maybe would be a nice project for my vacation :)
> anyways, i would be glad if someone could give me some feedback of this
> idea.

I would think that a view like this would also be useful for installed
ports.  That is, installed-ports:/// would let you look at what you
currently have, upgrade things, or remove things.


> .f
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Klaffenboeck [mailto:martin.klaffenboeck at]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 11:29
> To: Mezz
> Cc: gnome at
> Subject: Re: gPortupgrade, a new project with GTK2/Gnome2
> Am 2003.03.25 23:03 schrieb(en) Mezz
> > I recently went to Savannah and noticed a new project called
> > gPortupgrade, 
> > it sounds like it's going to be cool project. Hope, it will go well.
> > :-)
> > 
> >
> > 
> > There's no download and more info in page, yet. It just submitted as a
> > new 
> > project, yesterday.
> See also:
> It seems to be a similar project but it does not use Portupgrade,
> instead it tryes to create a library for the ports.  Yes, of corse, it
> is a project from myself, to learn c programming and learn more about
> the freebsd ports structure.
> Martin
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