Build Stops with Multimedia/Gstreamer-plugins ?

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Sun Jul 20 18:07:52 PDT 2003

On Sun, 2003-07-20 at 21:08, Bob Perry wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> It took a while, but I've completed the build.  Thanks again for your
> assistance and your patience.
> During the installation, the following prompt appeared:
>     GDM may contain vulnerabilities leading local root compromise, and it is
> reported             widely with various security sites and groups .  It is
> not recommended that this port be     installed in public environment.  Do
> you wish to accept security risk and build GDM         anyway?
> (May have misspelled a word or two..sorry.)
> There were "YES" and "NO" responses and "YES" was highlighted.  I have a
> standalone machine and access the internet through an ISP so I accepted
> "YES".  Can you help me understand the consequences of my decision?  What is
> a "public environment" and what were my alternatives?

This message is quite old, and I'm not sure it still applies.  There
hasn't been a GDM security advisory in years.  You're safe with running


> Bob
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joe Marcus Clarke" <marcus at>
> To: "Bob Perry" <rperry4 at>
> Cc: <freebsd-gnome at>
> Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 1:16 PM
> Subject: Re: Build Stops with Multimedia/Gstreamer-plugins ?
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