debugging gnucash segmentation fault

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at
Sat Jul 19 23:08:03 PDT 2003

On 20 Jul 2003 02:02:33 -0400, Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus at> 

> On Sun, 2003-07-20 at 01:39, Craig Riter wrote:
>> I have been trying to debug a problem with gnucash on my FreeBSD box.  I 
>> am
>> running FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE and had rebuilt my system on June 30.  I have
>> attached a list of my current ports.  Everything that gnucash depends 
>> meets
>> the dependencies or has been upgrade past the dependent version.
>> After gnucash seg faults in guile I started up the gdb and got the stack
>> trace (also attached).
>> I did have everything working before with version 1.8.2 or was it .1.  I
>> don't remember exactly just that it used to work.  I am not sure where 
>> to go
>> next with this.  Does anyone have in ideas of how to figure out exactly 
>> what
>> is causing my problem?
> You need to rebuild gnucash, and all of its dependencies with debugging
> symbols, then redo the stack trace.  Only then will it be useful.  It
> would also be helpful to know exactly the steps you did to reproduce the
> crash.

I can install gnucash and see if I have the same problem. I will check in 
the archives for his previous email for how to get it crash.


> Joe
>> Thanks,
>> Craig

-- 's moderator, mezz.

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