minor patch for gconf

Mikhail Teterin mi+mx at aldan.algebra.com
Mon Jul 14 17:05:44 PDT 2003

=> I don't really use gconf (xmleditor dragged it in through the
=> gnomelibs), so I'm more interested in the "technicality", than in
=> getting anything done :-) Why would it not work? Seems to:

=Because you'd have to edit gconf's configure to known about db4.  Take a
=lookg at patch-configure.

I see.

=> I would think, it is imperative, that the bogus dependency is cut out
=> from the popular port. Unless I misunderstand you, this is a bug in
=> gconf, that the FreeBSD port of gconf better fixes, is not it?

=It would be better to simply remove the db* dependency, and comment out
=the checking code in configure (or break it).  GConf has never used the
=DB backend (only XML).

This is exactly, what I was saying. Should I file a PR or will you, guys
just do it? Yours,


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