FreeBSD Port: pkgconfig-0.15.0

Rob Lahaye lahaye at
Wed Jul 9 00:14:39 PDT 2003

Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 09:40, Rob Lahaye wrote:
>>$ pkg-config blah
>>gnome-config: not found
>>There is no "gnome-config" file on my system.
>>Is there a dependency problem, or a bug in pkgconfig?
> Neither.
>>And why should pkg-config depend on gnome-config?
> pkg-config tries to use gnome-config as a last-ditch effort to find a
> component.  Therefore, if you don't have a component installed, you'll
> see the gnome-config error.  You're free to ignore this, but you wil
> need to install the missing component.

Understood. Thank you for explanation.
Sorry for the noise.


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