gnucash port segfaults on me

Dave Bodenstab imdave1 at
Sun Jul 6 00:48:59 PDT 2003

I cvsup'ed my ports in the afternoon on Jul 5 so I could update gnucash.
I had to manually `make install' all of the dependencies since the port's
make system was happy even if an older version of a dependency was found --
isn't this kind of thing supposed to be automatic?  I did a make deinstall &
make install.  Then did the same for gnucash.  Now I get a segfault -- guile

First, where could I find if this is a known problem?  I tried
and searched their bug reports -- found nothing specific for FreeBSD.  I found
some references to guile 1.6/gnucash problems on Google (messages early this
year).  v1.6 was mentioned specifically... a reference to it not being backward

Second, has anyone else seen the same problem or is it just me?

I'm running FreeBSD 4.7; ports guile-1.6.4_2, gnucash-1.8.4

Is there an easy way to get the guile port to revert to 1.4?

Gnucash has so many dependencies I'm afraid I'll have to wipe everything and
start with a totally clean system.... I hope not though.

Dave Bodenstab

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