broken /usr/ports/www/mozilla on -STABLE

darkmark darkmark at
Tue Jul 1 14:42:40 PDT 2003

You're right, Xft does seem to be missing, I could have sworn I saw it in
the link line earlier. I regularly cvsup and portupgrade.  pkg_info
currently reports:

XFree86-4.3.0,1     X11/XFree86 core distribution (complete, using mini/meta-po
XFree86-FontServer-4.3.0_1 XFree86-4 font server
XFree86-Server-4.3.0_8 XFree86-4 X server and related programs
XFree86-clients-4.3.0_2 XFree86-4 client programs and related files
XFree86-libraries-4.3.0_5 XFree86-4 libraries and headers
Xft-2.1.2           A client-sided font API for X applications
gtk-1.2.10_9        Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (previous stable version)

On 1 Jul 2003, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> I just completed a successful build on -CURRENT with all options
> enabled.  I'll do a build on -STABLE tonight.  Off the top of my head,
> it looks like the -lXft argument is missing from the linker line.  What
> version of X and Xft do you have installed?

Mark Atkinson
darkmark at

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