PLEASE TEST: New libgnome patch

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at
Mon Dec 22 00:24:54 PST 2003

On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 02:10:36 -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus at> 

> In an effort to stomp out some path-related bugs once and for all, I've
> come up with a new libgnome patch.  Before I commit this, I'd like some
> feedback as this is pretty low-level, and if wrong, many, many, many,
> many (okay, there aren't that many FreeBSD GNOME users, but one can
> dream, right?) users will complain.
> Things to test are Nautilus and gnome-panel to be sure.  Make sure they
> load all pixmaps and sounds correctly, and make sure they don't through
> any errors saying "File x cannot be found."  where x is most likely a
> file like "/usr/X11R6/share/gnome/gnome/..." (note the two "gnome"'s).
> Also, try launching each applications Help (i.e. Help->Contents), and
> make sure the help file can be found, and Yelp launches like it should.
> This patch was made against libgnome-2.4, but should apply to 2.5 as
> well.  Thanks for your help.

Everything work fine here.


> Joe

-- 's moderator, mezz.

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