Changing Applications menu folder icons

Tom McLaughlin tmclaugh at
Sat Dec 13 11:27:21 PST 2003

On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 12:08, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 10:36, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> <snip>
> > 
> > I have been seeing this same behavior since I moved to Gnome2. I can
> > assign icons to launchers, but not to folders. I have tried to install
> > both icons I imported and simply selecting an icon from another app that
> > was already available, but I still just get the standard "folder" icon.
> I believe this is how it works.  Take a look at the Advanced folder in
> the Applications menu.  I think you'd need to create a vfolder entry if
> you wanted it to have an icon.
> Joe

Hmmm, seems like kind of an unnecessary pain to do but I'll be looking
through the system wide vfolder files to see how this is done.  Might be
a nice addition to gnome 2.6 and time to check the gnome lists for
this.  Thanks for the help.


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