How do I debug the logout session?

Piero piero at
Fri Dec 12 07:19:08 PST 2003

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 14:31:21 -0600, Jeremy Messenger <mezz7 at>

> On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 14:51:48 -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke 
> <marcus at> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 14:45, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
> >> I have everything up to date, it's Gnome 2.5.2 and it can't
> >logout. I am> wondering how can I debug that kind of bug?
> >
> > gnome-session is responsible for logging in and out.  You might
> > want to attach gdb to that from a vty and see what happens. 
> > Also, check the~/.xsession-errors and console for anything
> > useful.
> There's no ~/.xsession-errors and I don't understand or know what
> you mean by vty? Attaching the errors.txt is what I get from kill
> X by manual, but I don't think it will help that much. I tried to
> add that '--sync' in the .xinitrc like 'exec gnome-session --sync'
> and no luck.

vty is a virtual terminal (ttyv), that's what you get besides the
console with Alt+F<N>, before starting Xwindow (unless you start it
with display manager). When in Gnome try switching to it with
Ctrl+Alt+F<N> - you should see teh same errors that would go to
~/.xsession-errors, at least it works this way here.

I had sleepless night, so I hope I explained myself ;-)

 piero at

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