Franz Klammer klammer at
Wed Dec 3 12:31:27 PST 2003

> Khairil Yusof wrote:

>>On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 11:24:21AM -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
>>>mind, we still need some really creative screenshots for the site. 
>>Still doing cleanup/rebuilding like Franz.. and trying to figure out
>>some none crashing bugs.
>>Before any screenshots, why is the Computer and Wastebasket set as read
>>only? For some themes, the read only emblem looks quite ugly.

seems that the sentences in the wrong order here: ;-)

> like my taste not so bad! really ugly is the case that's
> visible on the above named icons. since there is also the
> availability to override the default emblems.

i would say:

like my taste not so bad. since there is also the
availability to override the default emblems.
really ugly is the case that's visible on the above
named icons.


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