One surprise in commit messages with git

Kubilay Kocak koobs at
Fri Apr 23 02:37:14 UTC 2021

On 23/04/2021 6:27 am, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
> On 22.04.2021 23:07, Chris Rees wrote:
>> I would suggest instead that the regex instead be "/ports 
>> \d\d\d\d\d+/"- this would almost eliminate false positives with
>> git
> Maybe, "/\bports \d+\b/" ?

We (bugmeister) already have this on our radar to address, and we'll
come up with a scheme that suits both the historical case and most
obvious current case.

I believe the majority of historical refs are
"<repo> r<integer>". Previous automated svn commit comments were full
svn url's

I replied to a post on freebsd-current (subject: linking to git
revisions in bugzilla) on 12/Apr to this effect, with an 'in the 
meantime' recommendation, copied below:

> We'll (bugmeister) be adding parsing support for it (along with a few
> other related auto-linking things)
> I'd encourage people to use "<repo> <short hash>" (repo =
> src|doc|ports) where short hash is at least 8 chars in the meantime.
> Once parsing is added all previous references will be linked.

If anything needs to be tweaked post-fact (updating comments), we'll do 
that too.


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