One surprise in commit messages with git

Adriaan de Groot adridg at
Thu Apr 22 15:00:37 UTC 2021

There are still some surprises in the pipeline that processes commits. I 
triggered one today with f365336113. In my commit message, I was fixing 
something  in an earlier commit, so I wrote "(bla-di-bla, fixes) ports 

The commit itself refers to a PR (with the usual PR: line), 255260. So 
Bugzilla automation takes over, and pastes the commit into a comment there. It 
looks to me like Bugzilla takes "ports [0-9]+" in the commit message as an SVN 
reference -- the message as-pasted as a comment in Bugzilla then surprisingly
- links to svnweb (which still exists)
- links to r620, which is 26 years old

Overall harmless enough, but surprising for things that look-like-a-revision-
number but are a really a prefix to a longer hash.


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