OpenZFS branch tracking policy
Martin Matuska
mm at
Fri Apr 16 19:24:25 UTC 2021
Thank you guys for your input.
OpenZFS 2.1 has already gone -RC3, eliminating even more diffs the code
in our tree.
I have merged OpenZFS-2.1 RC1 the old way up to the last common commit.
I don't know who or what body is in charge to make a decision on this
matter but I would be very happy if a decision is made. I am personally
slightly in favor of merging directly from OpenZFS as it makes my work
easier and less prone to mistakes but I don't object doing it the "old"
way. But even the "old" way is going to be different, as it would mean
doing vendor merges into stable/13 what we are not used to. On the other
hand I do "squashed" imports anyway so I could cherry-pick from the new
vendor branch into stable/13 as well.
One way or another, I would like to continue pushing recent OpenZFS code
to our tree.
On 13. 4. 2021 18:39, Warner Losh wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 8:37 AM Ulrich Spörlein <uqs at
> <mailto:uqs at>> wrote:
> Hmm, I don't have an opinion on that one really. Cherry-pick of
> course
> only works on a single commit and will not record an additional
> parent,
> while a merge commit will have (at least) 2 parents.
> Correct.
> Some vendor branches sometimes have several commits in between a
> merge
> into head, so `git merge` is the natural extension of that. So
> only some
> folks can use cherry-pick and, as I said, I'm not sure what the
> recording of 2 parents gives us ...
> So for normal, low velocity updates, there's little benefit from doing
> more than what we've done with vendor imports.
> But for OpenZFS I think there's three primary values from store their
> branches in our tree and doing merge commits:
> (1) git blame works
> (2) it's possible to bisect down to the exact commit
> (3) Having the merge commits recorded as merge commits makes future
> commits easier (just like vendor branches).
> For most things, I agree with Uli: we should have some flavor of
> 'squash' commit that's not really a merge commit to do this. But for
> OpenZFS, I think there's enough synergy between the two project that
> having their branches in our tree would be a net win for both groups.
> Warner
> People with more vendor experience should chime in ...
> Cheers
> Uli
> On Mon, 2021-04-12 at 13:08:59 +0200, Martin Matuska wrote:
> >If we keep the "old way" than I have an additional question:
> >
> >Wouldn't a "git cherry-pick -Xsubtree=sys/contrib/openzfs" from the
> >vendor branch be a better way to go than "git merge
> >-Xsubtree=sys/contrib/openzfs"? Especially for stable/13, where I
> have
> >to "merge" in the whole new vendor/openzfs/zfs-2.1-release branch.
> >
> >mm
> >
> >On 12. 4. 2021 11:02, Ulrich Spörlein wrote:
> >> On Sun, 2021-04-11 at 01:03:30 +0200, Martin Matuska wrote:
> >>> Thank you for your comments, Warner.
> >>>
> >>> What I would like to know is the timing - how much time do we
> need to
> >>> resolve the issues. I can pull in the OpenZFS code up to commit
> >>> 3522f57b6 the "old" way. This is the last commit common to
> master and
> >>> zfs-2.1-release and can be cherry-picked to stable/13 the
> "old" way.
> >>> This will keep our code on par with openzfs-2.1-rc1 (rc2 is
> out now) and
> >>> I can add a 2-week MFC for stable/13 as usual but there are no
> >>> significant changes at all. After that we need to split main and
> >>> stable/13 and ideally move to direct tracking of OpenZFS.
> >>>
> >>> I have added some comments below.
> >>
> >> I think we should continue with the old way of squashing vendor
> >> changes in, for the main reason of bloat and slowdown for our
> users.
> >> Note that unlike SVN, a regular user who builds world will
> clone all
> >> of the git repo including all history. We have many more users
> than we
> >> have developers working on contrib software, so the slight
> convenience
> >> of a few FreeBSD devs comes at the cost of the majority of our
> users. :(
> >>
> >> I understand the confusion of a broken `git blame` and I'm
> wondering
> >> if it wouldn't be enough for the folks that want this to fetch the
> >> full OpenZFS repo into their FreeBSD repo. Then when the need
> arises
> >> to `git blame foo/bar.c` they see an "unhelpful" commit that says
> >> "upstream 01234abcdef was merged" upon which you can run `git blame
> >> 01234abcdef -- foo/bar.c` (paths will be different but it all
> can be
> >> hidden behind some script and git alias).
> >>
> >> Would that ease enough of the developers pain?
> >>
> >> I wish more stuff would move into ports (llvm, lldb) for reasons of
> >> size also.
> >>
> >> Cheers
> >> Uli
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