Question on (my) workflow migration svn -> git

David Wolfskill david at
Sat Sep 26 13:42:52 UTC 2020

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 02:42:12PM +0200, Ulrich Spörlein wrote:
> ...
> > The original was ~2.5 GB; the bare clone, ~1.2 GB.
> Ok, this is where you went wrong, I think. Your copy of
> freebsd-cgit-beta is a regular clone, yes? Then all the `refs` in there
> are suitable for a checked out copy, but not to serve as a "master copy"
> of sorts.
> (fun fact, you can convert your existing clone into a bare repo by
> taking the .git content and 2-3 quick edits to the config therein, but
> that's more advanced and would require some more trial and error round
> trips)


> Please start from this and only this:
>   git clone --bare

OK; I've started that process.

> The worktree stuff is then as simple as this:
> % cd src.git
> % git show-ref|grep stable.12
> e9c4330183dcfe8a5d26843613adc0a348fd0544 refs/heads/stable/12
> % git worktree add ../stable_12 stable/12
> Preparing worktree (checking out 'stable/12')
> Updating files: 100% (81262/81262), done.
> HEAD is now at e9c4330183d MFC r360483,360484: Make nvmecontrol work
> with nda like it does with nvd, and associated bits.
> % git worktree add ../current main
> Preparing worktree (checking out 'main')
> Updating files: 100% (82279/82279), done.
> HEAD is now at 9b8dbe73434 Revert most of r360179.
> % git worktree list
> /tmp/src.git    (bare)
> /tmp/current    9b8dbe73434 [main]
> /tmp/stable_12  e9c4330183d [stable/12]

Thanks.  I'll poke at that later today.

> For debugging, please have a look at `git show-ref` outputs of the
> various repos, this will tell you what refs are known to them, and if
> stable/12 is not there, all your later attempts to check it out were
> doomed to fail.
> Why might stable/12 not be there? For that, please check `config` in the
> bare repo (actually it omits any `fetch` directives, as it defaults to
> fetching em all), or `.git/config` in a non-bare repo, it'll tell you
> what it fetches from where.

I suspect that this implies a far deeper understanding of git's
internals than I have (or, really, want to have). :-}

> > For my use case, it is important to me to keep my local private
> > mirrors as close as possible to "the same" (as one another) except
> > for the defined periods during which they are being updated.
> Hmm, instead of rsync one into the other and potentially clobbering
> custom branches or pulling massive pack files over and over again, I
> think this can be better achieved by only checking out the youngest
> common commit.

Err...?  This is a private local mirror of the FreeBSD repo.  I do not
commit to it.  I do not create branches in it.  Other than the
"mirroring," it is read-only for my purposes.

Actually, for the (CVS and) svn case(s), the repos are "owned" by a
different user, and I'd need to engage in "privilege escalation" to
write to them.  I would prefer to be able to maintain that separation
using git, but it's not a hard requirement.

And the rsync takes perhaps as long as ... a minute?  Even svnsync
doesn't take long:

svnsync started at Sat Sep 26 08:30:00 UTC 2020
svnsync for src ended at Sat Sep 26 08:30:05 UTC 2020 exit status 0
svnsync for ports ended at Sat Sep 26 08:30:09 UTC 2020 exit status 0
svnsync for doc ended at Sat Sep 26 08:30:10 UTC 2020 exit status 0
svnsync started at Sat Sep 26 10:30:00 UTC 2020
svnsync for src ended at Sat Sep 26 10:30:01 UTC 2020 exit status 0
svnsync for ports ended at Sat Sep 26 10:30:02 UTC 2020 exit status 0
svnsync for doc ended at Sat Sep 26 10:30:03 UTC 2020 exit status 0

(I got in the habit of doing the nightly updates in two passes back
in the CVS days, when tagging a new branch required updating every
file in the branch.  [I emphatically do not miss that.]  While svn
doesn't appear to need that, I kept the approach -- for one thing,
it wasn't broken; for another, it provided a bit of a backstop
should something happen for one of the attempts.)

For reference, the above svnsync runs were:

* src, from r366149 -> r366181 -> r366183
* ports, from r550013 -> r550136 -> r550155
* doc, from r54527 -> r54540 -> r54541

And I have finished my "daily updates" for the day, running:

FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE #823 r366182M/366183: Sat Sep 26 03:38:27 PDT 2020     root at  amd64

on my laptop, and having built & smoke-tested:

FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #12 r366181M/366183: Sat Sep 26 05:33:13 PDT 2020     root at  amd64 1300117 1300117

on it earlier.

The build machine is presently running:

FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE #1029 r366182M/366183: Sat Sep 26 03:37:33 PDT 2020     root at  amd64 1202502 1202502

and built and smoke-tested:

FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #1045 r366181M/366183: Sat Sep 26 05:09:57 PDT 2020     root at  amd64 1300117 1300117

earlier.  (The build machine would normally be powered off at this
point in the day, but this is Saturday, so it's running pudriere,
building packages for tomorrow's update of the "production" machines.
As with repo-updating, I do weekly package-building in two stages:
the  "heavy lift" on Saturday, and a "catch-up" on Sunday -- which
mostly works out well enough.)

> So instead of rsync-over-ssh, you would do the following when synching
> them up:
> % hash=`ssh otherhost "cd /path/to/checkout && git show -s --format=%H"`
> % git fetch --prune [in the bare repo, this runs after the above, so
>   it's guaranteed to have that ref]
>   [actually, I think you can also git pull in the worktree and it will
>   adjust the bare repo accordingly]
> % cd /worktree && git reset --hard ${hash}

Kinky. :-}

> Hmm, I think you must pull actually, yeah, try with pulling in your
> checkout instead of the fetch.
> % cd /worktree && git pull && git reset --hard ${hash}
> This will bring your worktree up the latest, but the bump it down to
> whatever the otherhost had checked out last.

That seems a bit saner than poking around determining repo hashes and
... stuff; thanks.  :-)

Please note that the laptop treats the build machine as its
source-of-truth as often as possible, and "setlles" (temporarily)
for when the build machine is unavailable.  Once the
build machine is available again, the next update resets the laptop to
mirroring the build machine again.  (And since the build machine uses as its source-of-truth, this should not be a large
difference -- in most cases, it's no difference at all.)

> Cheers
> Uli

Oh -- that `git clone --bare` finished. So:

g1-48(12.2-S)[5] cd src.git/
g1-48(12.2-S)[6] git show-ref|grep stable.12
e9c4330183dcfe8a5d26843613adc0a348fd0544 refs/heads/stable/12
g1-48(12.2-S)[7] git show-ref | grep stable/12
e9c4330183dcfe8a5d26843613adc0a348fd0544 refs/heads/stable/12
g1-48(12.2-S)[8] git worktree add /bkp/tmp/git/stable_12 stable/12
Preparing worktree (checking out 'stable/12')
Updating files: 100% (81262/81262), done.
HEAD is now at e9c4330183d MFC r360483,360484: Make nvmecontrol work with nda like it does with nvd, and associated bits.
g1-48(12.2-S)[9] git worktree add /bkp/tmp/git/head main
Preparing worktree (checking out 'main')
Updating files: 100% (82279/82279), done.
HEAD is now at 9b8dbe73434 Revert most of r360179.

(My repo mirrors live on a dedicated file system -- in part so I
can leave it unmounted when I'm experimenting with head.  So I put
the "worktrees" on a different file system from the repo -- and if
those worktrees are to be my src directories, they will be on
separate file systems (on separate slices, even) anyway in real life.)

In any case, it looks as if we have head & stable/12 sources based
on the sane (bare) repo, so that's progress.  I'll plan on re-visiting
the "re-silvering" of the mirror somewhat later this weekend.

Thanks again!

David H. Wolfskill				david at
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