Src repository is available on

David Wolfskill david at
Tue Dec 22 22:03:45 UTC 2020

On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 01:51:39PM -0800, Bakul Shah wrote:
> I have been tracking since September.
> What is the process for switching over to
> I thought there were instructions for that but I can't find them any more!
> Thanks.
> ....

I aqssumed(!) that the hashes would be different, so I moved aside the
repo I had from cgit-beta and cloned a new one (from git.freebsd/org),
then removed the old one once I was satisfied that the new one was OK.

A couple of caveats:
* I'm not a committer; I merely use the repo a a "source of truth" for
  updating machines locally, and I never have any commits to be pushed

* I actually used "git clone --mirror" (as noted in; I then
  clone from that mirror to make working copies.  There are certainly
  other ways to accomplish this; some may be better for some folks.

David H. Wolfskill                              david at
"Dismissing reality doesn't make it go away."
 - Rajiv Shah, Rockefeller Foundation president

See for my public key.
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