github freebsd and svn freebsd

Ulrich Spörlein uqs at
Thu Aug 8 09:54:40 UTC 2019

Am Sa., 3. Aug. 2019 um 13:44 Uhr schrieb Dimitry Andric <dim at>:
> On 3 Aug 2019, at 12:00, Ulrich Spörlein <uqs at> wrote:
> ...
> > And to be honest, the cvs2svn conversion turned so much of the old history
> > into garbage, that we should either fix
> > them (impossible?)
> Is there still an archive of the CVS repository itself just before the
> conversion to Subversion?  Maybe that could be imported directly in to
> Git, and then graft on the Subversion history from there?
> -Dimitry

It does exist somewhere on hub or freedall (I have a backup as well),
but due to the repo-copies that were done, a simple import into git is
likely not going to work well either. I used "fromcvs"  back in the
day and that produced pretty good results for the first couple of
years, but it likely requires a lot of handholding and special casing.
Blacklisting all repo-copied files till up to a certain date and
verifying that history from cvs2mail should get us there.

It would be pretty cool if some folks would collaborate on that, it
would help out as


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