github freebsd and svn freebsd

Ulrich Spörlein uqs at
Sat Aug 3 10:00:34 UTC 2019

Am Do., 25. Juli 2019 um 16:32 Uhr schrieb Ed Maste <emaste at>:

> In response to a discussion about bogus metadata attached to some Git
> commits due to (since-fixed) issues in the FreeBSD SVN mirroring
> setup, and the possibility of fixing that:
> On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 at 21:02, Ed Maste <emaste at> wrote:
> >
> > One way we could handle the mechanics of the migration itself is:
> >
> > * Create an alias for the current master branch - say, master-gen1
> > * Continue running the existing conversion
> > * Start running a fixed svn-git conversion which pushes to master-gen2
> > * Document the process for migrating downstream work from one to the
> other
> > * Switch master to master-gen2
> > * Deprecate master-gen1 after a suitable period
> Alternatively, we can just leave it as is and accept that the Git
> history will forever have these quirks, and will not be easily
> reproducible by third parties.

We can't really leave it in this state forever, because it's hard to verify
that the SVN and the GIT repo are really in sync
(well, you just check out head and "diff" the working copy, done, but
people re-creating their own copy will see everything differently and freak

And to be honest, the cvs2svn conversion turned so much of the old history
into garbage, that we should either fix
them (impossible?) or cut our losses and have the git history end at the
point when cvs was switched to svn, at which
point the history is sane again.


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