kmem_map panic with gjournal

Nikos Vassiliadis nvass9573 at
Sat Jan 22 14:09:13 UTC 2011


I am seeing a "kmem_map too small" panic on a low resources machine
(384MB of RAM). After lowering kern.geom.journal.cache.limit the panic
is gone, yet I am not sure that this is the "best" solution.
Any thoughts?

Backtrace from RELENG_8. The panic also occurs on HEAD.

Unread portion of the kernel message buffer:
panic: kmem_malloc(131072): kmem_map too small: 111280128 total allocated
cpuid = 0
KDB: stack backtrace:
at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x26
kdb_backtrace(c0d68c13,0,c0d5c9b8,d1be55d8,0,...) at kdb_backtrace+0x2a
panic(c0d5c9b8,20000,6a20000,c0d5c9b2,7d0,...) at panic+0x117
kmem_malloc(c199008c,20000,2,d1be5640,c0b7cc90,...) at kmem_malloc+0x28a
page_alloc(0,20000,d1be5633,2,2c41a72,...) at page_alloc+0x27
uma_large_malloc(20000,2,d1be56a8,2,20000,...) at uma_large_malloc+0x50
malloc(20000,c10aa080,2,111,c9415000,...) at malloc+0x80
gj_malloc(c93f5000,ca3ed000,20000,42788000,2,...) at gj_malloc+0x9b
g_journal_new_bio(427a8000,2,10ee800,0,c9415000,...) at 
g_journal_insert(427a8000,2,10ee800,0,c9415000,...) at g_journal_insert+0xe0
g_journal_flush(c31ae610,0,c10a8b26,87e,7d0,...) at g_journal_flush+0x36a
g_journal_worker(c31ae600,d1be5d28,0,0,0,...) at g_journal_worker+0x162d
fork_exit(c10a64e0,c31ae600,d1be5d28) at fork_exit+0x91
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0x8
--- trap 0, eip = 0, esp = 0xd1be5d60, ebp = 0 ---
Uptime: 7m11s
Physical memory: 367 MB
Dumping 177 MB: 162 146 130 114 98 82 66 50 34 18 2

Thanks, Nikos

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