Broken gmirror: why /dev/ufs is empty when geom_mirror is not loaded?

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Thu Jan 13 18:37:05 UTC 2011

Hello, Freebsd-geom.
You wrote 13 января 2011 г., 18:24:18:

>   I have mirrored PARTITION (/dev/ad4s1d + /dev/ad6s1d) with UFS with
> label on it. This label is shown in /dev/ufs when geom_mirror is
> loaded.

>   When geom_mirror is NOT loaded both ad4s1d and ad6s1d are valid,
> complete, clean filesystems, but here is no /dev/ufs entries for them,
> and kernel can not mount FSes at all.
  And even worse: it sees ONE of all FSes and when "geom_mirror" is
  loaded, it puck up one of components from "/dev/ufs/home" instead of
  device node and everything hangs up due to loop (?)...

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at>

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