A script that modifies /etc/fstab to mount devices via glabel

Pieter de Goeje pieter at degoeje.nl
Tue Dec 29 00:43:12 UTC 2009

On Monday 28 December 2009 21:17:41 Christian Laursen wrote:
> Hi there,
> I wrote a script that modifies fstab so that UFS filesystems are mounted
> via their UFS IDs and swap partitions are labeled with glabel in order
> to access them that way.
> It works for me on at least FreeBSD 7.2 and 8.0. Use at your own risk.
> For swap devices it is neccesary to label the device in order to
> recognize it later and that requires that swap is turned off briefly.
> The script requires perl to run.
> The script is here:
> http://borderworlds.dk/utils/fstab-glabel.pl
> Feel free to use it if you find it useful.

Works as advertised, thank you!

It is probably faster to extract the label from glabel status -s <node> 
instead of using dumpfs though.

- Pieter

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