panic when loading mirror

Fernan Aguero fernan at
Sun Apr 30 15:53:28 UTC 2006

+----[ Pawel Jakub Dawidek <pjd at> (29.Apr.2006 18:44):
| On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 06:19:07PM -0300, Fernan Aguero wrote:
| +> +----[ Pawel Jakub Dawidek <pjd at> (29.Apr.2006 12:02):
| +> | You should configure both slices and partitions on mirrored provider.
| +> 
| +> Pawel,
| +> 
| +> thanks for your reply. 
| +> 
| +> If you say that I should set up the mirror first and then
| +> slice and partition, I cannot but trust. But this is not
| +> what I see here:
| +> 
| +> # place a GEOM mirror label onto first slice of second disk
| +> # (actually on the last block of the disk slice)
| +> gmirror label -v -n -b round-robin gm0s1 /dev/ad1s1
| +> 
| +> the provider is already a slice, only partitions are done after
| +> configuring and loading the mirror ...
| +> 
| +> I'll try what you suggest, but I'll have to reintall the
| +> whole box to do that.
| Sorry, you have to have slices when you configure mirror on top of them.
| Everything below (in your case partitions) you should configure on a
| mirror device.

OK, thanks for the clarification.

| +> | To fix it you need to clear the old metadata first.
| +> 
| +> I'm not following you here ... what metadata? The one added
| +> by 'gmirror label'? Or metadata added by the normal
| +> fdisk/disklabel process that I do when first installing the
| +> box?
| The latter. You can do it with gmirror turned off with this command:
| 	# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad0s1 count=16
| This will destroy all your partitions.

got it now. I'll try that next tuesday when I get back to
the lab. However, just for the record, these slices never had
any partitions ... I just created them when installing the
box, but didn't do anything with them till now (all the
partitions were created in the 's2' slices).

| +> | +> Or is this something that is expected to happen and should
| +> | +> be fixed?
| +> | 
| +> | This shouldn't act that way and panic your box for sure...
| +> 
| +> That's what I thought. Should I file a PR? Under which
| +> category? 
| Your report is not the first one related to the problem, so I wouldn't
| be surprised if there is already PR describing it.

I couldn't fint it ... but I was looking at open PRs only
... maybe it was already committed to -CURRENT and closed?

I'll keep looking ...


| -- 
| Pawel Jakub Dawidek             
| pjd at                 
| FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!


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