How to make a bootable USB stick for booting a geli encryptet hard disk?

Frank J. Beckmann frank at
Wed Apr 19 14:15:39 UTC 2006


am Mittwoch, 19. April 2006 16:00 schrieb Adam Wood:
> I've been working on writing a guide for creating a bootable CD-R for
> those of us who cannot boot USB devices, but, since you can, you might
> try this:

Thank you very much for your detailed description. It tells me that I have 
done everything right. I prepared the USB device like you described it, but 
none of my two computers is alble to boot the USB device. One always tells me 
"ivalid slice" and the other "invalid label". Because of that I think there 
is some geometry problem. I guess the bios uses another geometry than FreeBSD 
does. Or something else is completely wrong.

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