To Gecko--If use for water,cast iron body ,ductile iron disc,EPDM seat butterfly valve is ok --zhang--ZG industry

zhang zhang at
Sat Jan 16 01:05:41 UTC 2021

Hello Gecko,
Here is zhang now from ZG industry.
I ever contact with you in my last company.
Here our main product still cast iron/ductile iron butterfly valve ,gate valve ,check valve ,Y strainer,globe valve,rubber joint

Any support need,pls contact.

Butterfly valve DN32-DN1200
 Gate valve DN50- DN1600
 Ball valve DN25- DN150
 Check valve DN50- DN1100
 Rubber joint DN50- DN2600
 Globe valve DN50- DN600

ZG Industry Co.,Ltd. zhang on at09:05:31 on 01/16/2021 to Extend Best Wishes to GeckoTel: +86-379-6068 9006 | Fax: +0086 379-6068 9007 | Phone:+ 0086 -180 0379 2468 Email : sale at
Whatsapp:0086 -180 0379 2468
Cast iron valve | cast steel valve |SS valvewater supply |sewage |food |chemical|natural gas|petroleum|
PZG Valve Industry——High Quality Valve


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