[Bug 246771] [audio/sndio] rc.d/sndiod flags cause microphone not to work in www/firefox

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Sun May 31 20:43:31 UTC 2020


--- Comment #5 from Daniel Ebdrup Jensen <debdrup at freebsd.org> ---
Both with and without the OID suggested, sndiod with the default flags (and -d
to avoid it detaching) just returns and endless stream of this:
snd0: rsnd/default: failed to open audio device
snd0: rsnd/default: failed to open audio device
snd0: rsnd/default: failed to open audio device
Et cetera ad nauseum.

I don't see why it's necessary to hardcode the flags in etc/rc.d/sndiod when it
works fine without them, though?

Rebuilding Firefox isn't really something that's possible, it takes almost a
week. :(

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