[Bug 228540] graphics/poppler: build fails after security/nss was updated to 3.37.1

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Mon May 28 08:21:13 UTC 2018


Trond.Endrestol at ximalas.info changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |Trond.Endrestol at ximalas.inf
                   |                            |o

--- Comment #3 from Trond.Endrestol at ximalas.info ---
While hardly a good solution, this one circumvents the problem:

Create graphics/poppler/Makefile.local and give it these two lines, note the
tab char on the second line.

        ldconfig -im $(LOCALBASE)/lib/nss

It looks like r469956 could be the guilty one as lib*.so.[0-9] symlinks was
removed from security/nss in r423591, 19 months ago.

Either remove the lib*.so.[0-9] restriction in ldconfig or reinstate the
pre-r469956 behaviour.

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