thunderbird, lightning localization
acupuncture at
Sat May 19 21:52:39 UTC 2018
For many past builds of thunderbird (I don't know how many, maybe all),
TB's interface gets properly localized (using
"thunderbird-i18n-<version>"), but lightning's interface desperately
remains in en-US.
I've reported this as #227379 on bugs.freebsd.ord but later realized it
had already been reported as #189054 by someone else.
The problem lies with these 2 files:
< ... >/extensions/{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}/chrome.jar
< ... >/extensions/{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}/chrome.manifest
as they are meant to be used for en-US only!
Replacing them with their localized counterparts solves the problem and
lightning is afterwards in the language of your choice (with proper
configuration, of course).
Overwriting the above two files with fully localized ones does it, so
why bother? Because with every new build, the files are replaced with
the unlocalized versions and one has to replace them over again.Plus
every new profile gets created with this unlocalized version of the
chrome files (granted, not everyone uses multiple profiles).
Sadly, nobody seems to be paying attention to the bugs report. But a
quick google search shows that this is an often mentioned problem with
If you could please fix this once and for all...
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