firefox 45.0 (latest build) hangs, what kind of trace helps ?

Jan Beich jbeich at
Sun Mar 13 18:12:10 UTC 2016

Jan Beich <jbeich at> writes:

>> Is there a trace/debugging hint that helps you and the gecko team
>> to debug this ?
> Try
>   $ procstat -k $(pgrep firefox)
>   $ ktrace firefox -no-remote -profile $(mktemp -d)
>   <wait for hang>
>   ^C
>   $ kdump -R | tail -20
>   $ lldb -p $(pgrep firefox)
>   (lldb) bt all

These steps are actually a wild goose chase. Firefox issues are way
easier to track down as regressions by eliminating differences between
working and non-working version. The first candidate is always the
fragile user environment, so you need to start from a clean slate by
populating a jail with X11 pass-through and trying to reproduce there.
After that you can start bisecting which should determine if the issue
is port-specific or due to upstream update.
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