Firefox-esr debugging on FreeBSD

Tim Zingelman zingelman at
Thu Jun 16 16:39:11 UTC 2016


I have a FreeBSD amd64 9.3-RELEASE-p44 with 100% freshly built ports.

firefox-esr-45.2.0,1 without any plugins, crashes about 30 seconds into the 

The attached patch eliminates some ongoing warnings about uncaught 
exceptions, (perhaps only seen if you have no saved passwords?) but is 
apparently unrelated to the crash.

I added the DEBUG checkbox in 'make config' and added to the MOZ_OPTIONS in the 

  --disable-optimize --enable-debug-symbols --disable-install-strip --enable-debug

but I still don't seem to get debug symbols when I do:

gdb /usr/ports/www/firefox-esr/work/firefox-45.2.0esr/obj-x86_64-portbld-freebsd9.3/dist/bin/firefox

Is there some trick you can point me at to help me get symbols so I can 
try and find this crash?

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide,

  - Tim
-------------- next part --------------
--- toolkit/components/passwordmgr/LoginManagerParent.jsm.orig	2016-06-09 15:15:30.000000000 -0500
+++ toolkit/components/passwordmgr/LoginManagerParent.jsm	2016-06-09 15:17:07.000000000 -0500
@@ -614,13 +614,15 @@
     // change during this execution of the asynchronous function, but in case a
     // change happens in the state, the function will be retriggered.
     let { loginFormOrigin, loginFormPresent } = this.stateForBrowser(browser);
+try {
     yield Services.logins.initializationPromise;
     // Check if there are form logins for the site, ignoring formSubmitURL.
     let hasLogins = loginFormOrigin &&
                     Services.logins.countLogins(loginFormOrigin, "", null) > 0;
     // Once this preference is removed, this version of the fill doorhanger
     // should be enabled for Desktop only, and not for Android or B2G.
     if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("signon.ui.experimental")) {

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