
Cecil | Cellsix Media Co. Ltd. cecilmetzger21 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 16:36:27 UTC 2014


I found your contact over the web and wanted to send you a quick note.

With SEO and Web Development, I can help your business achieve better  
ranking on prominent search engines like Google, Bing & others to generate  
more leads/sales.

So, let me know if you are interested in receiving further information and  
no-obligation-quote from our team of SEO & Web experts.

I'd like to follow up about this with a quick phone call. Can I call you  
this week to discuss your campaign?

Thank you

Best regards,


Headquarters: 5859 Canoga Ave, Woodland Hills, Ca 91367
Other Branches: Hong Kong | China | Australia | New Zealand | UAE
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contents in any way. The views expressed in this e-mail are those of the  
author, and do not represent those of this company unless this is clearly  
indicated. You should scan this e-mail and any attachments for viruses.  
This company accepts no liability for any direct or indirect damage or loss  
resulting from the use of any attachments to this e-mail. All quotes  
received from CELLSIX Media by email are informal and not binding until a  
formal quote is agreed upon by both the parties.

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