Status of the gecko team

Jan Beich jbeich at
Wed Jul 30 22:47:15 UTC 2014

Baptiste Daroussin <bapt at> writes:

> I would like to know what is the status of the gecko team, seems like it is not
> pretty active anymore, what is your opinion?
> from my point of view firefox in ports is vulnerable for a while and noone
> patches are getting into the tree about it.

The update was incomplete as SeaMonkey 2.28 still lacks any distfile.
So, I've created a branch with vulnerable 2.26.1 in anticipation of 2.26.2.
To merge it do something like the following.

  $ svn co
  $ (cd firefox31; for d in */*/files; do rm -rf /usr/ports/$d; done)
  $ rsync -aC firefox31/ /usr/ports/

There's also Gecko_ChangeLog to use as a template for commit message.
It lists important changes apart from port updates.

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