RFC: Proposal: Install a /etc/ssl/cert.pem by default?

Jonathan Anderson jonathan at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jul 4 12:30:33 UTC 2014

John-Mark Gurney wrote:
> Dan Lukes wrote this message on Thu, Jul 03, 2014 at 02:26 +0200:
>> If I consider a CA to be trustworthy, I will insert it's certificate to
>> trusted store. No one is welcomed to make such decision in behalf of me.
> As others have said, you can customize FreeBSD how you want.. There
> is no, we will uninstall FreeBSD if you uninstall (or set WITHOUT_xxx)
> on your FreeBSD system...

So we agree that customization is required, the question is what a user 
has to do to effect this customization:

1. install a package (possibly included on the install media), or
2. set WITHOUT_MOZILLA_CA_BUNDLE and rebuild FreeBSD.

To me, the approach that doesn't require "rebuild FreeBSD" is the 
simpler one.

It also doesn't require a Security Advisory every time a CA gets dropped 
from Mozilla's bundle (which ought to happen a lot). Ports get updated, 
people get that. I don't think we should introduce things in the base 
system that we *know* will require SAs, freebsd-update, etc.

Jonathan Anderson
jonathan at FreeBSD.org

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