Making WebRTC available for FreeBSD

Joe Nosay superbisquit at
Wed Feb 5 21:33:34 UTC 2014

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Niklas Enbom <niklas.enbom at>wrote:

> Hey guys, not sure what this refers to. The G+ post talks about porting
> the gtalk plugin to freeBSD. WebRTC is an effort in the opposite direction
> (no plugins needed). Afaik there is a Chromium build for freeBSD that
> should support WebRTC (unless it's disabled at build).
> Niklas
> On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Joe Nosay <superbisquit at> wrote:
>> The process has been started :
>> Dependencies needed- referenced in "howto" and webrtc dependencies:
>> libbrlapi from brltty.
>> Benefits: Native client and sever side of WebRTC applications for FreeBSD
>> and possibly other BSDs.
>> Eliminated dependency for Linuixlator based applications thus cutting
>> down on hardware resource use.
>> Eliminated need for other simulated and emulated programs to run Skype or
>> other voice-and-video binaries. I.e. Wine, VirtualBox, qemu, et cetera, et
>> al.
>> Since it is known that Sony's PS4 uses FreeBSD as the basis for its OS,
>> WebRTC could be implemented as a native application on the platform/console
>> thus allowing users to communicater in real time while gaming.
>> Why am I proposing this?
>> 1. Adrian Chadd asked on Google+ and nowhere else. I decided to bring his
>> proposal to the public and attempt an initial starting phase.
>> 2. Users would not be limited to having only a few selected operating
>> systems at their disposal. Developers could easily communicate with each
>> other.
>> 3. Real time sharing/viewing of conventions. This would give the
>> community another window into the development of FreeBSD.
>> 4. Companies such as IxSystems and Sony would be able to contact
>> develoers while simultaneously working on a FreeBSD/FreeBSD_based system.
>> 5. FreeBSD developers would be able to give feedback on the development
>> of WebRTC sources.
>> Being that I am limited on resources, is it possible that others could
>> take over what was started?

How is it implemented at build time?

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